GeoWiD GmbH has now successfully been working interdisciplinarily with a team consisting of geoscientists and experts with experience in the fields of bioscience and environmental science. This innovative approach offers us the unprecedented opportunity to penetrate geoscientific questions and questions of related scientific areas comprehensively. Our staff for under water operations are all at least certified CMAS International Scientific Divers.

We offer high-quality work according to modern standards and highest safety guidelines. Quality, efficiency and the satisfaction of our customers are our highest priority. Comprehensive advice about potential concepts and solutions are as important for us as the precise and versatile execution of projects in close collaboration with our customers.

Dr. rer. nat. Richard H. Stanulla

Managing director, Scientific Diving Officer, Confirmed Scientific Diver

Geology, Scientific Diving, Management

Extract of CV

2020 - today Consulting Geoscientist BDG
2014 - today Founder and managing director of the GeoWiD GmbH, Dresden
business management and execution in the following fields:
  • Geosciences/Sedimentology
  • Scientific Diving
  • Interdisciplinary research
  • Underwater technology
2014 - today Instructor at CMAS Scientific Diving Center Freiberg
Scientific areas:
  • Earth Sciences
  • Underwater technology
2012 - 2021 Doctoral studies at TU Mining Academy Freiberg
  • Submarine hydrothermal systems
  • Sedimentology
  • Scientific Diving
2012 - 2014 Freelance geoscientific advisor and scientific Diver
2012 - 2013 Scientific employee at the Department of Geology at TU Mining Academy Freiberg
2010 - 2012 Master in Eath sciences at TU Mining Academy Freiberg
  • Palaeontology, stratigraphy
  • Applied geophysics, borehole geophysics
  • Scientific Diving
2006 - 2010 Bachelor in geology/mineralogy at TU Mining Academy Freiberg
  • Applied Earth sciences (hydro geology, geothechniques)
  • Cenozoic environment dynamics
Richard Stanulla
Kevin Schmelzer

Kevin Schmelzer, B.Sc.

Coordinator R&D, Confirmed Scientific Diver

Geoecology, Hydrology, Special Equipment

Extract of CV

2014 - today Master in geo ecology at TU Mining Academy Freiberg
  • Hydrology
  • Water chemistry
  • Scientific Diving
2014 - 2015 Training as CMAS Confirmed Scientific Diver
2011 - 2012 Training as CMAS Scientific Diver
2010 - 2014 Bachelor in geo ecology at TU Mining Academy Freiberg
  • Micro biology
  • Biology
  • Scientific Diving

Judy Adamek, M.Sc.

ass. Scientific Diving Officer, Advanced Scientific Diver

Geology, Scientific Diving, Mapping

Extract of CV

2016 - 2020 Master in Geosciences at TU Mining Academy Freiberg
  • Structural geology/Geochronology
  • GIS
  • Scientific Diving
2017 - 2018 Training as CMAS Confirmed Scientific Diver
2013 - 2016 Bachelor in Geosciences at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
  • Structural geology
  • Mineralogy
2016 - 2017 Training as CMAS Scientific Diver
Judy Adamek
Thomas Pohl

Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Pohl

Scientific Diving Instructor Trainer

Geology, Biology/Ecology, Diving techniques

Extract of CV

2005 - today Instructor trainer Scientific Diving
2003 - today Freelance lecturer, advising in geosciences and biosciences
2002 - today Technical director CMAS Scientific Diving Center Freiberg
2000 - 2003 Scientific assistant Martin-Luther-University Halle/Saale
1998 - 2000 Scientific employee GEOMAR/TU Mining Academy Freiberg
„Laptevsee-Lenadelta“, digital delta mapping, GIS-based
1992 - 1998 Scientific assistant TU Mining Academy Freiberg
geological remote sensing, GIS, analogue/digital mapping, visualization.
1998 Promotion to Dr. rer. nat. at the TU Mining Academy Freiberg
1986 - 1991 Diploma in geology at the TU Mining Academy Freiberg

Katharina Schütz

Management Assistant, Administration Office, Organisation

Katharina Schuetz
Stefan Hildebrandt

Stefan Hildebrandt

Advanced Scientifc Diver

Technical Service, Sampling

Quality Assurance is our maxim. All our procedures follow the guidelines of the quality certificate Planer am Bau. This certificate is issued by the TÜV Rheinland and offers a slick quality management system designed to accommodate planning offices with a smaller footprint.

Specific work procedures are laid out in the QM-Manual. This serves as a documentation of the business and the respective responsibility In this way the data flow and its checks undergo tight regulation in order to guarantee an effective quality assurance. Additionally it provides a framework for a document storage system, including measures for data backup and protection. Of course staff schedules for training seminars and substitutions are clearly defined as well.

When working on projects with our partners, we create a dedicated QM-System and QM-Manual, which full fill the above mentioned requirements and to which all parties comply during cooperation.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

Therefore we surround ourselves only with selected and renowned partners, with whom we can closely collaborate, in order to deliver the quality and flexibility you deserve.
In this way we are able to channel the highly specialized knowledge of our respective colleagues into an interdisciplinary pool, which guaranties maximum quality and efficiency.