
rECOmine: ResuS - Recycling of subhydric sediments

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funds innovative projects within the framework of the program “We – Change for through innovation in the region”. Here, the rECOmine-alliance focuses mainly on topics such as the usage and winning of (secondary) raw materials.
In this frame, Veolia, the Ceramic Institute Meißen, PICON and GeoWiD have united under the leadership of the chair of Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry at TU Bergakademie Freiberg as partners in the project ResuS to face the problem of ongoing siltation in dams and barrages. GeoWiD GmbH starts the project in June, 2023 to develop a procedure for the removal of representative, undisturbed samples of subhydric sediments which represents a single part of the overall project “ResuS - Recycling of subhydric sediments”.
The aim is to analyze and show potential ways of utilization of subhydric sediments from Saxonian dams and barrages. For this a sufficient amount of a sampling material is essential in order to give the other partners of the alliance a basis for their further and ongoing investigations. An appropriate sampling method needs to be developed which guarantees the preservation of layering as well as an undisturbed sampling by scientific divers.
The sampling will be done on a long-term basis as a part of a monitoring concept which is yet to be developed. The samples will be analyzed in our laboratory for soil mechanics.

We thank all the partners of the project as well as LTV Sachsen for the cooperation during the time application. We are looking forward to a cooperative and successful research project within the next three years.

GeoWiD successfully applied for the offical german prequalification "AVPQ".

With the prequalification we offically verify our reliability and efficiency for our customers.

We are glad about this certification and the approval involved. Many thanks to IHK Dresden and ABST for help with the application procedure.

We would be happy, to send you your personal access-code to the deposited data. Just contact us.

Experts gather for professional exchange. Specialists from different fields will come together for the 20th German symposium of Dams in Neuss to discuss the newest developments concerning dams and the field of water construction. Along with our longtime partner DEKRA we take part on the symposium in order to introduce innovative services conducted by scientific divers.

We kindly thank the German Commission on large Dams for the organization of this event. We are looking forward to many contacts and the professional exchange with all the valued colleagues.

Range of Services

GeoWiD is a young company specialised on overcoming engineering and scientific problems above and under water. Our main focus is set on the fields of earth sciences and environmental sciences in a broader sense. Our team consists of scientists certified as CMAS Scientific Divers.
We provide the flexibility for innovative and alternative solutions. This is supplemented by an assortment of specialized devices designed and build in-house for under water usage.
As an owner-operated company which provides services and engages in consulting all over the world we pay special attention to the individual needs and characteristics of clients from different fields. From the first draft to the final report - we will assist you in all project phases.

Please get in touch - we would be happy to offer you our advice.

Please find further information in our leaflets in the Download section (Link - Downloads). Please find scientific articles related to these topicshere.



We offer a wide variety of services and consulting in the fields of geosciences and environmental sciences. According to your needs and wishes we can provide everything from single services to the management and execution of complex projects.


Scientific Diving

Scientific Diving

All our services in the fields of earth and environmental sciences are also available for submergent areas. With our specially qualified experts, certified methods and adherence to the highest safety standards, our flexibility and broad range of services has yet to be matched throughout the marked.


Special Equipment

Special Equipment

Scientific work under water requires specialized equipment for the task at hand. By utilizing our own experience and in order to meet the requirements of demanding environments we have been designing and engineering these our selves for several years and continue to enhance them further.




Continuous self-improvement is our motto - therefore our staff undergoes regular trainings and educational sessions to stay ahead and think outside the box. Among other things we partake in a variety of research, both on land and under water.


Contact us

You have questions regarding GeoWiD GmbH or are searching for a competent partner for your projects? We are happy to answer any of your requests via phone or e-mail during our office hours.
Of course you are more than welcome to stop by at our office in Freiberg. Please contact us in advance to arrange a personal meeting.

Office hours
Mo. - Fr.: 07:00 - 16:00
Tel: +49 (0) 3731 - 259 60 66
Fax: +49 (0) 3731 - 259 61 39
Mobile: +49 (0) 170 - 383 78 00
Email: Click me!


You would like to meet us in person? Please find us at:

GeoWiD GmbH
Zuger Straße 52
09599 Freiberg